
Mind Reader????

This afternoon I browsed thru my 'short list' of fave blogs. Made up of some retailers, crafters, photographers, and designers. As I did, I found a post that made me sit back, nod my head in agreement, and nearly look over my shoulder to see if the writer was watching me. She so accurately described some of the thoughts and feelings I am dealing with, it was eerie. Read it for yourself: go and check out Alicia's post today at posie gets cozy (It's titled 'Martha, Anna, Ina')

For those of you who are 'fluent' in the blog world, you may already know Alicia. If you aren't familiar with her, once you get a look at her delicious blog, you'll be a returning guest! This woman, hailing from Portland, Oregon, is a font of creativity and imagination. She never fails to inspire me. Her good friend, Amy Powers of Inspire Company, is the same darling kind of girl - whimsical, innovative, and 'real'. I admire them both so much!

Alicia's post today is about overmarketing and authenticity. I won't attempt to rehash it, it's THAT good. The comments that follow it (38 at last count) are like opening a floodgate into the hearts & minds of consumers and artisans alike. I was shocked to discover that this feeling I have been having consistently for months is appearing in other people's minds as well!!!

What I want to add to it is this question:
As it relates to merchandising your products in your stores - whatever it is that you sell - can you read that post and those 38 comments, and come up with a way to present your goods in a NEW way, a way that whispers, gently, softly and graciously, inviting your customers to investigate? Can you create a connection between your busines and your customer, and rather than thrusting more and more and more AT them, find a way to OFFER them something wonderful that will meet a need, make life better, solve a problem? Can you rethink what 'selling' is, and approach it as 'sharing'? Can you help customers focus on a products' attributes, rather than a name brand or a logo or a marketing campaign??? Can we support local artisans and writers and chefs?

In other words, can we all stop with the hawking and pushing and strong-arming sales tactics this Holiday season, and become caring, helpful, knowledgeable resources with a smile on our face and true integrity in our hearts?

CAN we stop the Grinch of mass merchandising from ruining the holidays, please???
Yeah, I AM biting the hand that feeds me. I just think there is a better way than the tried and true. I respect Paco, but it's NOT all about the science of sales. After reading those comments on Alicia's blog, I know I am not alone in feeling this way. Share your thoughts with me, please.....


  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Thank you Deb. I'm so touched by this, and relieved to hear that someone like you agrees. I was nervous about writing the post, but the conversation has been important and profound, at least to me, today. I am grateful for your thoughts as well. I hope your challenge is accepted.

    Thank you, sincerely,

  2. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Alicia's and Amy's are two of my absolute fav blogs! They're always so insightful and cheerful and really make my day a bit brighter!

    The creation of the Blogiverse has really given us creative types a place to network, bounce ideas off of each other and receive some much needed advice/creative criticism/joyful encouragement. It makes me feel less alone, like there are others going through the same thing, questioning the creative ventures they are pursuing as well.

    As to your challenge - amen! The mass marketing out there has gotten obnoxious! I'm wishing for simple holiday displays in local shops where the proprietor isn't pushy and even offers a cup of cocoa. No lines, no pushing or pushy people and lots of homey, homemade stuff - is that too much to wish for? Too Cary Grant and Loretta Young in the Bishop's Wife?

    I really enjoy your blog (even though this is the first time I've commented) and funny thing, I found you through Inspire Company!

