
Totally Terrific!

Wasting time blog-surfing this morning, I found one of my photos on Totally Tabletops!
It's a shot (not the one above) of my white Santa mugs (I scrubbed all of the paint off of them, obsessive decorator that I am...) filled with snow. Anyone who reads my blog knows it's SNO-Wonder , of course... (and no, they don't pay me to expound their virtues! I just LOVE this product!!!)
Got SNO?
HOT SNO!!!! ;o)
Head over there to see what fab table decorating ideas await!


  1. Thanks for the tip. I am on my way to check them out!

  2. Anonymous12:39 PM

    That's great - did you know they were going to use it & did you get a photo credit?

  3. Ummmm, actually, no, I was not asked nor notified about the use of my photo by that blog's author. My name & blog link ARE included along with the photo in the blog post, however, so that's a good thing! I am okay with that.

    I'm constantly keeping an eye on this issue, but when the credit & link lead back to me, I am okay with it. I do that in my own blog posts - include links and sometimes corporate photos, like I've done with Rosanna products - but always include credit to the source. It's when someone passes my work (photos, ideas, quotes, displays, etc.) off as their OWN that I get peeved! ;o)

  4. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Holiday Season filled with joy and a Happy New Year!


  5. Happy Holidays to you!

  6. Hope you had an amazing Christmas!

  7. Hi Deb. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind comments during the 2007 Virtual Holiday Home Tour.

    May the New Year bring you health, happiness and the love of family and friends,


