
Featured Member Business

I'd like to offer a big thank you to Dori & Steph for featuring my business on the Women Take Wing! blog this week. The new 'Featured Member Businesses' sidebar rotation is an easy way for new WTW members and Facebook & blog followers to find me, and I do appreciate the promotion!

If you are a woman entrepreneur with your own business and you seek a supportive community of likeminded women, give Women Take Wing! a look-see. It's not a marketplace, and it's not a 'networking' site for marketing your biz like so many others. Rather, it is a place for discussion, sharing, learning, and connecting with other women who understand what you are dealing with in these trying times. And don't we ALL need more of that?!


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Deb, Good luck at Farm Chicks!!!! I can't wait to see photos!

  2. I shall have to check them out :) Thanks for the tip
