
By the Book - a Giveaway!

Have you read this book, 'The Martha Rules'? 

I'll admit I don't watch the Martha show much, but I do have a few of her holiday decorating books. I highly recommend THIS one, which is geared specifically toward women entrepreneurs.  In it, 'The Queen of Domesticity' sheds that crown and puts on her business suit to share insights, plans, guidance, and perspective on being a business owner. This is the book that Martha wrote while serving time in a womens' prison a few years back... and that experience is referenced in the book. {I actually like the fact that she's included it, too.} If you have a business already, you will find some helpful practices in this book that will help you grow & expand.

I have several brand new hardback copies of this book, and would love to share them with a few of let's have a giveaway, shall we? Call it an early Valentine. ;0)

Leave a comment on this post telling me why you'd like to receive a copy and you may get lucky! I'll choose the three best answers next Monday, February 8th, and post them here.

**And don't forget that I am still looking for props & fixtures for my seminar in March - read the post below this one for more into!**


  1. I admire Martha very much. She started small worked her butt off and accomplished what few women have. She knows what she wants. She has a vision and she knows how to get things done. I love that about her. She has faced many difficult challenges and has come out a better person because of it.
    I too have faced many difficult challenges. The flame still burns in my heart to run my own business dispite those challenges. I will not give up, I will move forward even if they are tiny steps. Each step gets me closer.....I see the flame flickering.

  2. Never one to shy away from a Martha fix, I always like to see what perfection might look like. And then perfection went to jail and I thought she did that right too. So I am perfectly sure that she has some tips for me and my business. After all, she is worth a fortune. I'd enjoy being worth a ton instead of weighing one.

  3. I have recently started my dream business with a friend. It has been over ten years in the making and a fun adventure. We are open to any and all ideas and are growing fast! It is an exciting adventure and I am sure Martha has some great thoughts on following the dream!

  4. What a great idea for a giveaway!! I have this book and absolutely LOVE IT . . . lots of wonderful information packed into the pages of this book!! And if you think you know Martha . . . think again . . . because she is BRILLIANT!!

    All the best . . . liz

  5. Love Martha Stewart, and would love to emulate her!

  6. I would love to win this book because if you are recommending it and Martha wrote I am getting good advice from two of the smartest business women I know. Well ok I don't know Martha but I do know you.


  7. Hi Deb,
    I would love a copy of the book. I first heard about it at your seminar two years ago and it is still on my list of books to read. I am sure it's full of great information.

  8. ahhh, Martha the hero to many women entrepreneurs and the woman they love to hate. I saw her speak on TV, an interview when the book was coming out. I was sucked into the TV warp in seconds...she was discussing building a business around one's passions. The power behind being positive and optimistic, she had my full attention, she was talking my language. I then jumped up ran out the door to open the shop, making a mental note to get the book some day.....never happened. I will keep my fingers crossed. Heidi

  9. I love Martha, I think she has amazing style and impeccable taste. She is an amazing success story--and I believe she has a lot to teach the world--and I want to learn.
