
EASY Cinco de Mayo Display Props!

Here's one of my favorite fast display prop ideas...
 perfect for Cinco de Mayo and summer style!

The props for this display are simply
 large flowers made from colorful tissue paper.
Took me about fifteen minutes to make them, and cost less than five bucks.
The HOT pop of color in large scale draws your eye from across the room,
instantly conveying the idea of 'PARTY!!' without being overwhelming.

More about the mechanics of this display after the jump...

Now, about the mechanics of this display...

The products in this display are basic table ware items in solid bright colors:
plates, bowls, pitchers, vases and platters in red, yellow, orange, green and purple.
A few feature items, like the large tray and bowl, are hand-painted with colorful artwork - 
and they are displayed standing upright so the artwork shows off.
Fabric placemats, table runners, and napkins in purple and yellow add a soft texture.

Metal candle holders and glass oil lamps are added to the display to convey an outdoor mood.
A few faux lemons and grapes hint at the picnic feel, as well, 
and of course, there's wine for the picnic, as this was at my client's winery.

Wine is the MAIN product in every display in this business,
so it is placed on all sides of the setup for impact and easy access.
[You can't see it from this angle, 
but there is a black metal shelf unit holding four cases of wine on the back side of the display].

The placement of color in this display is built in a pyramid configuration, getting narrower as it gets taller.
The fixtures are simple wood tables & chairs combined with dark metal planter boxes - 
so they basically disappear when all of the merchandise is loaded into the display.
That helps the customer FOCUS on the colorful products.

That's what great display props DO - they draw attention to the PRODUCTS!

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