
Vintage Show Booth Display Resources

I've been writing blog posts for nearly two decades, 
and have presented seminars at several vintage/antique shows, 
aimed at helping vendors think outside the box of what they've done before 
to expand their vision and approach to booth setup and layout.

Doesn't matter if you've been selling 'old stuff' or even newly-created 'upcycled' stuff for decades - 
shows are changing,  the what and why of collecting and buying is changing, customers are changing,
and you need to speak their language visually if you want them to buy. 
These posts and my seminars are aimed at teaching vendors HOW to do that successfully.

More about how I DO that after the Jump.....

Last January, I spoke at a seminar in partnership with The Vintage Marketplace
a beautiful and successful vintage show located near the Temecula wine country in Southern California. 
It was a fun, fast-paced presentation (that's just how I roll!)
that culminated with a flurry of great questions from the 65 dedicated vendors who attended - 
and LOTS of photos taken on the mock booth setup I had created.
(of particular interest was how to add just a SPLASH of color for impact, as shown below)
I gave them workable solutions and inspiration  that they could go home and use that day 
to make their businesses stronger, better, and more visually stimulating.

I also provided some basic retailing information that most didn't know - 
for instance, many of them had no idea that customers enter a space and head to the right 90% of the time.
 That's not just in booths at a show or store, that's everywhere! 
It's simply retail science to work WITH a customer's natural behavior rather than against it, 
because it makes them more comfortable and they will be more open to interact with you. 
So I suggest that you make your booth entrances direct traffic flow to the right side first
Put your cashwrap (cash box/register) on the left, 
so customers can shop your WHOLE booth before checking out - 
they won't miss anything and they'll exit on the left, so they aren't blocking traffic of those entering the booth.

THAT's the kind of information that helps you be a successful vendor -
along with some fabulous ideas for creating visual impact, of course!

If you are interested in me presenting a seminar for your show vendors, 
or perhaps just for the NEW vendors coming to your show, 
or for anyone in your area who is selling vintage goods - in stores, at shows, wherever - 
shoot me an email here and let's talk. 
I might just be able to help you! I'm located in Southern California, 
but am willing to travel if you are willing to cover the costs.

If you're a videographer who'd like to partner up with me
to film one of my seminars so that it can be sold and viewed online,
let's talk :)

I'm often asked when those seminars scheduled - there are none currently.
When I do have one coming up, I post about them here on the blog with all of the details. 
Keep watching!

Here are the links to my resources for vintage vendors:

NOTE: This post includes a link to a document that I created.
You may use the information in that document for your own personal & business practices, 
but you may not share, copy, replicate, excerpt, or otherwise use or profit from the information.
You may not use the information in that document 
to write a magazine article or book, create a blog post, film a video, offer a workshop, 
or any other method of dissemination.
You may share the link to the POST but not directly to the document,
because I want everyone who views it to read this disclaimer.
I offer the information free for your education - 
Please respect my copyright. Thank you.
Rita Reade's 'Mammabellarte' booth at The Vintage Marketplace Show 2014

In 2007, I produced a series of six videos for the (now-defunct) Gift & Home Channel, 
focusing on displays in vendor booths at The Farm Chicks Show in Spokane, WA.
You can find five of my videos on YouTube.
Also check out Deb's Design Stars
in multiple posts where I show the successful booth designs and displays 
of many vendors at the many shows I have participated in and attended over the years.
Patricia MacKay's 'Tippy Stockton' booth at Funky Junk Sisters Show, 2007
check out these re-design project posts 
from Poppyseeds, a sweet vintage shop in Stanwood, Wa.

and finally, you can search my topics list down at the bottom of this page!

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