* Effective January 1, 2024, I am officially retired! * My blog remains accessible online to share my decades of experience with readers who find inspiration, ideas, tips, tricks, and resources here in the many blog posts I've written since 2000. Thank you all for your support & encouragement, and don't forget to have fun with disPLAY!!!

A Blooming Spring Display

One of my former clients was a local vintage / antique show.
Every three months - once per season - this event took over a local park,
filling up with 60+ vendors of vintage and vintage-inspired goods in beautiful booths, 
and drawing crowds of thousands of people over two days.

And lucky me, not only did I get to SHOP the show each season, 
but I was let loose to create a fun, fanciful, and enticing entry display!

The goal was to create an area that welcomes guests / shoppers, 
reflects the seasonal theme of the show,
and provides an opportunity for guests to snap photos of themselves & friends
as souvenirs of their happy day.
They also happen to share those photos on social media, which helps to promote the event!

In January, the spring show planning began. In February, the show producer and I 
spent a day creating huge flowers from paper for the display at the entrance to the show.

continue reading to see more...
The first week of March, we installed it at the park while vendors set up their booth displays...
We included her collection of vintage birdcages, a mantel, the show sign,
and a vintage chair donated by a local prop rental company.

 The backdrop for the whole shebang was a wall covered in grass.
Faux grass, actually. MY faux grass - leftover from the faux turf installed in my backyard!
The whole whimsical display sang 'Spring' in the bright sunshine, 
inspiring guests to create some pretty photo poses:

When the show was over and I took the display apart, 
I suggested to the show producer that she donate the giant posies to the local elementary school...
perhaps the library could use them in a spring display?
It's a great way to foster community support while 'recycling' props! 

just as these large-scale pretty flowers worked perfectly in an event photo spot display,
they'd work equally well in a store window or a booth in a vintage show or mall.
paper is an inexpensive material to use for props and they are easy to make!
(i didn't photograph my process, but there are loads of tutorials online)

The Vintage Marketplace show has permanently closed.

this post originally appeared on my design blog in 2017

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