Will you please re-record your hit song and rework the lyrics a bit, so it can become the theme song for the 21st century woman? How about 'I am woman, READ MY BLOG!' ???? Thanks ever so much, Deb"
Call it social networking, call it a great way to waste time, call it whatever you want - but online connecting is personal and 'relationship marketing' is how businesses are advertising now. And business women aren't just ON the bandwagon, we are propelling it! It's the new way to stand up and be heard, and be recognized. There are endless resources online for women in business - ANY business - and I'd like to share two more I recently learned of:
Call it social networking, call it a great way to waste time, call it whatever you want - but online connecting is personal and 'relationship marketing' is how businesses are advertising now. And business women aren't just ON the bandwagon, we are propelling it! It's the new way to stand up and be heard, and be recognized. There are endless resources online for women in business - ANY business - and I'd like to share two more I recently learned of:
Check out 101 women bloggers to watch for 2009 by Women Entrepreneurs Magazine. (My friend Bari J Ackerman is on that list - way to go, Bari!) And for a comprehensive directory of blogs about business topics BY women in business, head over to women on business.com's businesswomen bloggers directory. Hundreds of 'em, writing and sharing info on every business topic under the sun.
I'm adding these links to my sidebar, so they'll be here permanently... Reddy, willing, and able to serve. ;0)
Thank you for the links, Debi! and I don't think I've told you how much I like this new look and take on this blog......LOVE IT!