* Effective January 1, 2024, I am officially retired! *
My blog remains accessible online to share my decades of experience with readers who find inspiration, ideas, tips, tricks, and resources here
in the many blog posts I've written since 2000.
Thank you all for your support & encouragement, and don't forget to have fun with disPLAY!!!
USPS is TRENDY?????!
Have you seen the new Holiday marketing campaign from the United States Postal Service? It came in the mail yesterday, and I swear it nearly knocked me out of my chair...it's TRENDY, for heavens' sake! Since when is a government agency in tune with popular culture? Check this out:
Yes, you saw that right.....the HOT seasonal color scheme of red, lime green, and aqua blue...AND it's SCRAPPED! Talk about grabbing onto a wave and riding it for all it is worth. SOMEBODY down at USPS headquarters is a marketing genius, that's for sure. This mailer went out to residential customers....and with over 70% of the population scrappin' away, they are sure to win raves for this. I have to say, normally I'd recycle something like this - straight into the bin, that is. But THIS one...it's going on my inspiration board, just because it's so appealing to look at.

Every surface of the fold-out brochure is cute cute cute, filled with ideas and inspiration. I don't know who designed it (I'm not a 'scrapper', so I know very few 'names' in the biz, but I am a collage fiend!) but they did a fabulous job. It reminds me of the old Rudolph and Frosty animated specials, for some reason...a nostalgic vibe.
Oh, and it has some pretty handy info on mail deadlines & guidelines, too.... ;o)
That magnificent scrapper is Erica Hernandez...you can find a link to her stuff on my blog!! Go Seattle!