Yesterday I received this community newspaper in the mail. It was on the bottom of a huge stack of mail, and when I worked my way thru the rest and finally opened it, I smiled. That's my friend Jennifer! And her daughter Megan. (I remember Megan at my daughter Anni's birthday party in the backyard. They were seven. Time flies!!!)
Jen is a master at successful business practices. Her scrapbooking store was the very first of it's kind here in Washington state. I remember the little strip-mall space she started with and maximized every square inch of. That space has grown exponentially since 1995, swallowing up more and more and more spaces down the length of the shopping center! She knows her business, her industry, and her customers very very well.
She also knows how to reach out to those who aren't yet her customers.
This newspaper article is titled 'Free Those Trapped Photos' and in it, Jen talks about how important it is to print our digital photos. We can all relate to that! She also discusses how easy and creative scrapbooking is - it's not just for artists, it's not full of rules, it's just expressive journaling. She also introduces new tools and products she's discovered to make the process simple and fun for anyone.
So, let's review:
Brilliant busines marketing one-oh-one:
A five-hundred word article in a freely distributed paper (comes right to their door!).
A subject many people can relate to.
A solution to a problem.
An accessible method.
Great tools.
And a place to get it all.
Lasting Memories
3333 184th Street SW, Suite X
Lynnwood, Washington
Badah-boom. Customers galore.
See how easy this is?
Now, go call your local community newspaper and get movin'......
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