Well, it's impossible to read at this size (and Blogger isn't letting me enlarge it), but this is a page-shot of the upcoming 'Country Pleasures' Magazine. Linda & Dixie, the 'Funky Junk Sisters', sent it to me today to let me know that their upcoming show has garnered a mention in the mag. The article also referenced me and the seminar I am presenting at their show in June.
On Friday evening, during setup, I'll be sharing some fabulous info with the show vendors. My goal is to inspire them to amp up their merchandise presentation in their booths at shows - this one, and others to come. My hour-long seminar will include lots of insider tips, stylist tricks, and retail secrets to arm them with helpful information that they can use immediately to make a big visual impact FAST. And after that, there's the Q&A session.... which has been known to last over an hour as I answer questions and solve dilemmas for audience members. (They kicked me out of the seminar room in Denver one year....two hours after my presentation was over, I still had fifty people sitting there asking me questions about their stores & displays!) Hey, I didn't mind staying....but the cleaning crew needed to reset the room!
Many years of working & speaking and creating award-winning designs for vendors at international gift shows and industry trade shows have given me an incredible wealth of information that can help 'the little guys' compete in a big marketplace. My 'job' is helping independent merchants succeed in building better businesses by teaching them how to coordinate their visual presentation - and I really love what I do. To say I am looking forward to this is an understatement, and I am so thankful that Linda & Dixie have extended the invitation and the opportunity for me to speak at their event. My thanks to you for the additional press, as well, ladies.
For information on the show, check out www.funkyjunksisters.com My seminar is for show vendors only, however we are working on creating a video of it so that the content will be available here on my blog soon after the show. If you are attending the show, there will be other speakers presenting seminars for attendees on Saturday, so don't miss them!
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